We, as the Church, are called to offer ourselves to God, each other, and the world around us by living as a gift of God's love. A gift, an offering, like that of Jesus Christ, who gave himself for the life of the world. And each of us has so much to offer with our unique passions, gifts, and abilities, whatever they may be. What ways might you be able to join in what God is doing among us to serve one another and the needs of the world? Fill in this “Time and Talent Questionnaire” to discover how your gifts and passions can contribute to our life together. You can return the questionnaire to the church office by clicking HERE.
Teaching and Formation
Growing in our faith through teaching, learning, and spiritual formation are at the center of the life and ministry of St. Paul’s Church.
Discover more about formation at St. Paul’s and find resources to encourage you in your faith here.
Ministry Teams
Our Pastoral Care Team keeps those who are housebound, sick, or in need of companionship connected with the parish through visits, phone calls, and other forms of care and support. Nancy Jukins leads the team.
Servers (or acolytes) assist our worship by carrying candles, the cross, and other aids to our worship in various parts of the service. They elevate our communal celebrations, involving our senses and helping us to bring our whole selves before God. Lay Eucharistic Ministers do the same by leading our prayers in public worship and assisting to administer the sacrament to the people.
The Altar Guild prepares our space for worship and cares for the elements used in our worship—from changing altar linens to setting out the bread and wine for use in the Eucharist, to maintaining and replenishing candles in the church, the Guild is involved in all aspects of the setting of our communal worship.
Our Lay Eucharistic Visitors team consists of trained team members, including Jean Garnet, Nancy Jukins, Bob Keller, Anne Tuthill, Stephanie Higgins, Clare Keller, and Annie Winslow, who visit people in their homes and take them communion when they are unable to come to church. Fr. Jarred is also available for visits and home communion.
Music is at the heart of our faith and who we are as a community.The Choir is crucial to our life together, leading us in our singing of hymns and offering special music at our services.
Lectors (or readers) read the Scripture passages during our worship. Welcoming us into God’s story and helping to train our ears to hear, they form an integral part of what it means to be a worshiping community.
Healing Prayers
are offered
to those seeking special prayers after the Sunday service in the chapel by members of our healing prayer team, which includes Bob Keller, Jean Garnet, Stephanie Higgins, and Clare Keller. In addition to these regular healing prayers, Fr. Jarred also offers the sacrament of anointing of the sick when desired.
The Edie Ellen Knitters, named for a fondly remembered parishioner of St. Paul’s, get together at 2pm on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. They knit prayer shawls, which the parish then gives to people with a special need to be wrapped in prayer.
Our Technology Team makes the video streaming of our services possible alongside running the sound and other aspects of technology during services in the building. Their ministry is instrumental in keeping us connected during this period of COVID-19 when we cannot be gathered together at St. Paul’s.