
St. Paul’s: A Place to Call Home

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Newburyport, Massachusetts. St. Paul’s has been serving Newburyport since 1711 and we embrace the heritage of our faith in a way that shapes our lives today in the 21st century.

I’m Fr. Jarred Mercer, Rector (parish priest) of St. Paul’s. We are a community seeking to follow in the radical and inclusive love of Jesus Christ. We express that love in our worship, service, and communal life together. Our worship is centered on prayer and the Eucharist (also often called the Mass or Holy Communion), in which we offer our whole selves to God and in turn are placed on offer as a eucharistic gift to others, serving our city, the surrounding areas, and the wider world in Christ’s mercy. St. Paul’s is a place where every person is welcome and belongs, where people are delighted in and accepted for who they are, and where they are called to participate in God’s reconciliation and redemption of the world through their unique gifts and passions.

We are also a community that welcomes doubt as part of our faith, values questions alongside answers, and provides a home for exploration, wherever people find themselves on the spectrum of belief and in their pursuit of truth.

Explore our website and discover the ways we’re serving one another and our community, and please feel free to contact me for any reason at all at rector@stpaulsnewburyport.org.

Every blessing,
